Load balancing is a very helpful solution. Hopefully, you need to use it soon because that would mean that you already have to manage high traffic loads. Let’s explain more about load balancing!
What is load balancing?
Load balancing is a process used to distribute traffic and tasks over a set of resources to avoid overload, optimize response time and availability, and make efficient the overall operation. Rephrasing this, it is a distribution of traffic that takes place through a group of backend servers, also called a server pool.
Load balancing: How does it work?
Load balancing is a very helpful solution. Hopefully, you need to use it soon because that would mean that you already have to manage high traffic loads. Let’s explain more about load balancing!
What is load balancing?
Load balancing is a process used to distribute traffic and tasks over a set of resources to avoid overload, optimize response time and availability, and make efficient the overall operation. Rephrasing this, it is a distribution of traffic that takes place through a group of backend servers, also called a server pool.
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